Aumenta En 600.000 El Personas Atendidas Por Solidaridad El Mundo

En cualquier caso, estamos y estaremos siempre con quienes mas y mejor defiendan a los pobres. La Iglesia va a estar con los que defienden la vulnerabilidad y la vida". A juicio del secretario general de Caritas, "la desigualdad esta siendo y va a ser el hecho fundamental de las sociedades del futuro". Y, por eso, pide un ejercicio de "critica social" a todas las instancias y revision del modelo de consumo que estamos volviendo a implementar. "Hace anos, Sarkozy proponia refundar el capitalismo, para salir de la crisis. Pero, en vez de hacer eso, estamos repitiendo lo que teniamos que refundar. Estamos saliendo con el mismo modelo, que ocasiona tanto sufrimiento y deja a tantos tirados en la orilla". A esta autocritica se apunta la propia Iglesia y el obispo encargado de Caritas, Atilano Rodriguez.

Reusable generic tools - ISA - European Commission

The semantics and technical details will follow." Adam Arndt Special Adviser, Danish National IT and Telecom Agency "The initiatives that attract the attention of citizens come at local and regional level. That's where the challenge is: to have a framework where these services can be developed at a local level but then be exploited at a national and Union level." Declan Deasy Director, DG Informatics, European Commission "The EU Commission is doing a great jobbut its not yet enough: it really depends on the individuals and on the willingness of the people to make their information available and to communicate with each other." Stefan Decker Director of the Digital Enterprise Research Institute, Ireland "We would like to foster more collaboration between the Member States. We know that it exists, however we think that electronic cooperation between the Member States can bring additional value both to the Member State administrations and to the citizens and businesses." Polina Mosheva ISA Programme Manager, DG Informatics, European Commission "The key challenges in Europe are just like in the United States. Its changing the cultural mindset, its making it happen, its getting people out of their silos, out of their silos." Dr Brad Niemann Director and Senior Data Scientist at Semantic Community USA "If we really want to promote semantic interoperability, we should not only concentrate on promoting technologies. But we should also try to promote what is at the core of semantic interoperability, which is basically common agreements." Vasilios Peristeras ISA Programme Manager, DG Informatics, European Commission "Practically in local government, unlike central government, everybodys got their day jobs, there are very few specialists, so you really have to make a business case for people to get involved. You have to show them something works, you have to provide the tools for them." Mike Thacker Technical Director at Porism Limited, UK "Interestingly, we find where we provide web-based tools and web-based standards such as standard vocabularies, standard algorithms, its actually the smaller municipalities that make most use of those because they dont have their own internal infrastructure." Mike Thacker Technical Director at Porism Limited, UK Help us improve

Timehop: What did you do 1 year ago today?

Find out what you were doing on this day in history! 1 YEAR AGO SUN September 29, 2013 11:22pm @arnexism awwww. Hihimatayin yata ako. Jeskelerd! #crushie